Cosmetic Dentist – Alpharetta, GA

Crafting Smiles That Exude Confidence

Your smile says a lot about you, and when you don’t feel confident enough to let it show, it can have a grating effect on your social life and confidence. Whether your desire to hide your grin stems from embarrassment over chipped or damaged teeth or outdated metal fillings and crowns, our team at Alpharetta Modern Dentistry can help give you a necessary self-esteem boost. Call to schedule an appointment today so that our custom-planned cosmetic dentistry treatments in Alpharetta can address a range of aesthetic imperfections, allowing you to smile with pride.

Why Choose Alpharetta Modern Dentistry for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns
  • State-of-the-Art Dental Practice
  • We See Patients of All Ages


Smiling woman getting dental veneers from cosmetic dentist in Alpharetta

Slight crowding, dental damage, and discoloration are among the most common cosmetic dental flaws. Veneers can address all of these in one simple treatment. The restorations themselves are thin, durable sheaths made from dental porcelain and customized to mimic the appearance of natural enamel. Once secured over the visible surface of the affected teeth you want to improve, they’re able to last for up to 25 years.

Learn More About Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Five white dental crowns against black background

In the past, dental restorations like fillings, crowns, inlays, and onlays were crafted from metal compounds, making them highly noticeable whenever you smiled or laughed. We utilize high-quality, natural-looking ceramic and porcelain to make lifelike restorations that hide damage, provide the necessary protection, and blend in with the rest of your teeth. Some of them can even be crafted chairside, like our CEREC same-day dental crowns.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Close up of dental patient getting cosmetic bonding on upper front tooth

Minor to moderate dental damage, like chips, as well as discoloration can be quickly and easily solved with affordable cosmetic dental bonding. Using the same material we use to fill cavities (composite resin), we can sculpt the missing portion of teeth. Because it’s biocompatible and can fuse with your tooth’s enamel, little preparation is required. The tight adhesion also allows your bonding to last for over five years with good dental hygiene.

Teeth Whitening

Woman getting professional teeth whitening from cosmetic dentist

Whether you opt for a convenient take-home or in-office professional teeth whitening, our concentrated and trusted process for brightening smiles can provide you with outstanding, long-lasting results. Our take-home kit includes customized whitening trays and powerful gel to brighten your teeth by up to eight shades within two weeks. For those wanting more immediate results, our in-office treatment relies on the powerful components of Zoom Whitening and is administered under the guidance of a professional in as little as one hour.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening

Smile Makeovers

Close up of smile with straight white teeth

If you want to invest in cosmetic dentistry but aren’t sure where to start because you could stand to benefit from several of the treatments mentioned above, a smile makeover may be the best option for you. Based on your goals and desires, our team will create a customized treatment plan to address all of your smile’s imperfections. It will include two or more of our restorative or cosmetic dentistry procedures, and we can complete it on a timeline that best works with your schedule and budget. Our advanced digital impression technology also allows us to show you what your final results will look like before you undergo treatment!